
What Does eye-share Software Suite Cost?

Implementing a system like eye-share for the automation of the AP and P2P process is a strategic decision. Different aspects of cost considerations need to be assessed and addressed. There are many levels of investments to be considered, not only the purely financial ones, but also the ones that are about efficiency, compliance, and profitability.

Factors affecting cost that we will look at in this article are software licensing fees, customization and project management, integrations and migrations, cloud-based solutions, and also the need for change management and consultancy services. 

How do Software Licensing Fees Affect the Cost of Eye-share? 

Our model is subscription-based, and will, among other things, vary based on the scale of implementation: 

  • What number of users do you need? 
  • What, if any, special functionality do you require? 
  • Do you need integrations against other systems? 
  • How many invoices do you process annually? 

Based on your specific configuration and setup, we will set you up with an expense plan that includes licenses, and maintenance,  operations and management, and upgrades and support. The price will be set, with a monthly fee and no surprises or hidden expenses, once we’ve set up the scope of your solution. 

Project Management 

When implementing eye-share, there is always a need for project management to run the implementation project smoothly and make all the little details come together.

Also, part of project management is the customization of eye-share to align with your business processes. Your workflows are configured, approval hierarchies are set manually, or through inheritance from existing hierarchies within your ERP system, and details need to be tweaked and fitted in such a way that the solution complies with your organisation and way of working with financial processes. The project manager will ensure budgets and timelines are kept, and that the whole system and implementation project is aligned with your business goals and priorities. 

Integration With Your Systems

Integration costs are a central part of the cost of implementation of eye-share. Your systems need to be interconnected for the right data to be handled in the right systems and for the right reasons.

eye-share Workflow seamlessly integrates with your existing systems, like your ERP or accounting software. It’s all about securing a seamless data flow across all your systems, ensuring that automation of your processes and data handling is the result. We have many “out-of-the-box” solutions for integrations, but usually, some degree of tailoring it to your needs is necessary. Depending on the complexity of the integrations you need, the cost of the overall implementation of eye-share can be significantly influenced. 

Migration of Existing Data 

Migrating data from your existing systems to eye-share will boost the AI-systems and provide historical references to feed on-point recommendations from the moment you start using the system.

Historical data are moved into your eye-share solution, and a solid process of quality assurance is carried out. You can decide to archive and keep your old system, or deprecate it altogether, once the data is moved and secured in your new system. This will save you the cost of two systems, and in the long run, will be more cost-effective for you. How much data, and the complexity of data that you need to migrate, will influence the overall cost of the final solution. 

Cloud-Based Solution 

Being a customer with eye-share includes all the advantages of having a cloud-based solution. Cloud-based solutions, in general, compared to on-prem solutions, reduce the cost of, and need for, hardware and upfront investment in servers and network infrastructure.

Your subscription includes regular maintenance and updates as part of ensuring smooth operation of the solution. The service level agreement (SLA) will govern these services, including system uptime guarantees and support response times that are essential for maintaining the continuity of your financial operations. 

Consultant Fees

Getting help from external consultants may result in added initial cost, but will help tailor your solution to your organization’s unique needs through unique insights and tailoring of the solution to your needs. Also, change management is an important part of implementing a new system like eye-share, as people will have to work differently.

A consultant can support your organisation with training and ensure that the implementation runs as smoothly as possible and that it becomes a success from day one.  

Testing and Quality Assurance

To safeguard the implementation process, testing and quality assurance is necessary. This includes checking integration points with other systems, user acceptance testing and end-users verifying that the system meets expectations and needs. The testing and quality assurance phase requires additional time and resources will add to the cost of the overall solution, and can not be skipped, as it is vital for ensuring that the final product lives up to expectations. 

The Cost of eye-share Software Suite Is An Investment

Implementation of eye-share is, in short, a multifaceted cost that includes many aspects of implementation, including technical implementation and tailoring, and also handling human-centric factors like training and change management. It is important in this equation to consider not only the immediate costs of an implementation project but also the translation into long-term efficiency gains, adherence to compliance, and the overall benefits of automation of your financial operations. 

Getting a proper overview of all the factors that affect our pricing is a complex task, and we would love to assist you in understanding the cost of eye-share in-depth. When you contact us, we will offer you an initial discover-meeting where we’ll explore your specific needs within our systems. An analysis of costs paired with the expected benefits and gains, will give you a balanced view of the actual cost and expected ROI of eye-share. 

Would You Like to Learn More About the eye-share Software Suite?

Take a look at our product overview to gain a deeper understanding of what we offer. We are here to answer any questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to contact us!