
Key functionality

Our solution features directory management, advanced search, and efficient workflows. Keep all agreements in one place for easy access and better terms. Create a personalized online store for employees and effortlessly import supplier product catalogs. Purchase orders are automatically generated, reconciled with invoices, and transferred to your ERP system for payment.

green cart icon symbolising purchase

Automated purchasing

It is easy to make purchases from the right supplier at the right price, in a controlled and automated process.

Digital Workflow

Optimize your documents and transactions using one of the most advanced workflow solutions on the market.

Simple, green illustration of a human head in profile.

Intelligent automation

Automate workflows and transactions using the built-in AI technology. Let eye-share do the work for you!

Simple illustration of mouse arrow pointing to a screen.

Modern user experience

Save time with a simple and state-of-the-art user interface.

Simple illustration of a lock and a cloud.

Secure cloud solution

Secure and sustainable cloud solution provides flexibility, accessibility and scalability.

Smart features in eye-share Workflow | Purchase

The purchasing solution contains a number of smart functions that speed up the process.

Everything in one place

All your framework agreements, product catalogs, products, and prices, are gathered in one place.

green cart icon symbolising purchase

Smarter purchases

From approval of item catalogs to invoice match. Repetitive purchases are also automated. Let eye-share do the work for you.


Make purchases with notices in known goods and services, or reuse previous orders. Find the right item in the web-shop interface.


Smooth integration with third-party suppliers makes it possible to register a requisition or order directly from the supplier’s online store.

Better price agreements

Efficient purchases based on valid agreements, and current prices and discounts at all times. Suppliers ensure up-to-date product and price information!

Customer stories

More case studies

Other relevant eye-share Workflow modules

It is easy to connect the Purchase module with other modules, to cover the entire process from Purchase-to-Pay.