
6 important benefits with automated purchasing

Purchasing goods and services constitutes a significant part of a business’s total costs. Nevertheless, several companies do not have a sufficient overview or control of their purchases.

An investment in a new and modern purchasing system should be profitable for your business and be able to provide predictability over costs and purchasing, increased control and a real time saving.

With an automated and digital purchasing process, it becomes easier to collect, structure, and visualize the purchasing data. The goal is to achieve a simplified process, increased cost control, and more efficient purchasing! These are the 6 key benefits of our eye-share Workflow Purchase.

Easy to order
Supplier-, product- and price-information is easily available. The solution gives users quick access to what they need while avoiding inefficiencies due to slow case processing.

Improved cost control
By approving requisitions and orders internally in the company, you achieve better cost management and control. It is easy to send allocations to the ERP-system to get a better overview of the cash flow.

Full insight into the entire purchasing process
The solution gives your business insight and control throughout the purchasing process. Users are directed towards the established purchasing agreements. All purchases are approved in advance and the system detects incorrect orders. The system provides full traceability, archiving and an overview of all purchases, including agreements and conditions, so that any complaints are handled quickly and easily.

Better purchasing agreements
The solution gives your company the opportunity to decide which suppliers you are allowed to buy the various goods and services from. This allows for better procurement agreements with suppliers. Automated approval provides a cash discount. Many suppliers today give discounts when you can pay the invoice within a short deadline. When the invoice is linked to purchase, all invoices without deviations are approved automatically there and then, without delay of manual processing. Loyalty strengthens the contractual relationship with your suppliers and often brings cash discounts.

Reduced costs
Using established purchasing agreements saves money! In addition, costs are reduced through faster decision-making processes, fewer incorrect orders and reduced cycle times.